About Us

It has been "a long row to hoe".
Farming started, for me, in 1799. This was the year my Great Great Great
Grandpa, John Wells, was born, and the year George Washington died.
John Wells came to Oregon on a Wagon Train from Independance, Missouri.
He was given 640 acres in the Willamette Valley during the Free Land Act.
Each following generation has been Farmers, with my Grandpa Wells
pictured on the tractor. And my Dad and Mom Wells taking a walk among the
fields of corn.
Today, as a sixth generation Farmer, I and my "Field Man"
continue caring for the soil, protecting bees-snakes-squirrels-bugs, and
organically growing food and flowers.
For me, this lifestyle is about self-sufficiency, homesteading, and being
a foodie. I want to share the results of my hard work and passions with you.
Thank you for joining me on this "long row to hoe"!